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    Hi, I'm Thess Pellerin, a housewife with a history of depression way back in my teenage years. I am now married with a professional artist guy, name Joel Ray Pellerin. We are now on our ninth year of marriage. Unfortunately, we haven't been blessed with kids or children yet but we are looking forward for that.

    In my life, I experienced this what we called "deep kind of depression", it started when I was in high school or even when I was still in elementary. That depression was all about anxiety, self deprivation and understanding from people about my personal problems, specially from my parents and family, but I couldn't find it from them. In my third year high school, was the worst part of my depression and I was bedridden with my downside feelings that I have no appetite for everything in life, like going to school and a lot of things. I almost not be able to finished high school because I don't want to go to school anymore, thankfully I graduated high school even with my depression. I experienced this very low kind of emotions to the point of thinking to end my life, (suicidal thoughts):(.

    Then there is our God. :)

    He reached me through my bible given to me. Out of nowhere I grab this bible and everything was been so different. Jesus Christ lift me up from the darkness, it sounds so dramatic or I don't know what you are thinking about it, but it was a love of God I felt from that moment, and knowing Jesus heartily was a very life changing.

    After graduated high school, I didn't pursue my studies in college. I know my parents can afford to support me on my studies, because college school in our place is not that expensive, but me myself declined to pursue college, because I was still in my depression. I always prayed to God, that I hope I can find some solutions in my problem, coz' I know I can't find it in our home or place.

    And then one day, there is a call from my friend in manila, she is a sister of my sister in law. They were looking for a worker in their company, and I was qualified for that job. Since I didn't go to college, I grab the opportunity.

    There,----- I felt the freedom that I never experienced, and find some friends that who I can share my problems with and thankfully I found people who understands me. Little by little, I cope up my depression and enjoying life with good and kind people (my workmates) that I consider my sisters specially our manager who was been a family to me. I worked there within more or less 5 years and decided to continue studying in college. I didn't engage any kind of relationship because I still wanted to go to college even at least finish 2 years is okay for me. The time I am ready to go back to school, I stopped working and go back to our place then enrolled in Mindanao State University. I pass the four year course and got disappointed because it will took long for me to graduate and I was old enough to start college in my 21 years of age. So I studied there, and in my second year, of college, I met a guy online through Friendster, this guy is from Cebu, who become my husband.

    We are now two months before our tenth year of marriage.

    All the glory to God above that I had survive my depression even up until now, it is not totally vanish, but thanks be to God and my partner for uplifting me on my downside of my emotions. I know there are more worst depressions other people are dealing with than mine. Mine is maybe just a light kind of depression for them, but for me it was/is not a good experience.

    I realize that our journey in this life is so unpredictable, that's why we need God, coz' He really do exist even we can't see Him.

    "Happy are those who don't see and yet believe."

    JOHN 20:29.

  • Living With Depression.

    God is there to uplift us in our worst situations in life, just don't give up.

    The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit, he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him.

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    We cannot just judge people by just seeing them outwardly because we never know the story they are hiding.





    When life gives you a hundred reasons to give up, then there is God who can give you a thousand reasons to continue.:)

  • Help that I can offer.

    If you want someone to talk to, that is about depression or you are going through something, you can reach me on my Facebookhttps://web.facebook.com/thes.pellerin/ through chat, or email me @ thespellerin@gmail.com.

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    Depression is curable.

    There is hope in life even @ our darkest.

    God is so Amazing, He can be your bestfriend all the time.;)

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    There Is No Impossible with GOD.

    Mark 10:27. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

    Philippians 4:13;

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  • Reach Out

    Just live your best life!